2018 - Academy of fine arts, Prague - New media department
2013 - 2017 Faculty of Film and TV school of academy of performing arts, Prague - department of photography
2014 - Academy of fine arts - internship, intermedia studio
2008 - 2014 High school of aplied informatics
Black Ice Scratching- JEDNA DVA TŘI GALLERY, CZ (with Judita Levitnerová)
Kozel - Alkazar (early acess)- online show for Zazrak Dornych, CZ (with Ver, group show)
7 reasons to smile more - Holešovická šachta, CZ (as BCAAsystem)
Deep down you know to watch your step - PAF NY, USA (as BCAAsystem)
AZERO - Bigwood gallery, SK (as BCAAsystem)
Setkání spolku Pro plané porosty - UKG, CZ (with Judita Levitnerová)
Všekazi - Galerie 35m2 (with David Střeleček)
No~one Is an Island - Galerie ART (as BCAAsystem)
Artificial water levels - Dům pánů z kunštátu, CZ (as BCAAsystem)
Ontology of encounters - Düsseldorf Photo Weekend 2018, DE (group exhibition)
Right from here, everything is flickering- City surfer Office, CZ (as BCAAsystem)
No Regrets, No Remorse, No Fun. -Proto gallery systems, CZ (group exhibition)
Right from here everything is flickering II - In de Ruimte, BE (as BCAAsystem)
BCAA Nova x-process w. Olbram Pavlíček - PAF festival,CZ (as BCAAsystem)
Your face sounds familiar - Gallery 209, CZ (group exhibition)
Otroke na počitnicah - Fotopub, SI (group exhibition)
Grey goo - 123 Gallery, CZ
Wärmflasche 2016 - Greenhouse Berlin, DE (with Alžběta Stránská)
Translocation - Musrara school, IL (group exibition)
The most impossible of renunciations - Tisch School of the Arts, New York, USA (group exibition)
Architecture photography - MENUlab, Hradec Králové, CZ (with Petr Pustina)
Barel rolls - Galerie panel, Praha, CZ (with Alexandr Martsynuk)
Subversive tactics - Czech centrum, New york, USA (group exibition)
Strategies: Performances - Czech centrum, New york, USA (group exibition)
DOME ZERO - Galerie Jelení, Praha, CZ (with David Střeleček)
Famugrafie - NTK, Praha, CZ (group exibition)
Matter of photography - Prospektos gallery, Vilnius, LT (group exibition)
Exibition of photography- Galerie velryba, Praha, CZ (with Iryna Zakharova)
II - apartment exibition, Praha, CZ (group exibition)
Greeting from Gosswehort - MENU lab, Hradec Králové, CZ
Figure and shape - Galerie Míšenská, Praha, CZ (group exibition)
But, where does it heading? - Výstavní síň jiřího jeníčka, Beroun, CZ (group exibition)
First Year - Open Air program Festivalu divadel evropských regionů, Hradec Králové, CZ